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Our Vision

Knowledge Matters is the leading provider of interactive, browser-based, educational simulations for teaching business (food service, hospitality, retailing, sports management and manufacturing), marketing and personal finance/financial literacy. The company’s Virtual Business line of simulations is used in over one-third of all the high schools in the United States. Knowledge Matters’ Case Simulations and VB Essentials, designed for today’s digitally-native college students, are visually immersive, interactive business simulations in use by many leading two-year and four-year universities and colleges. Current collections include: Marketing, Hospitality, Restaurant, Sports Management, Entrepreneurship, Management, Fashion, Accounting and Personal Finance.

In today’s world where facts are available instantly, the competitive advantage goes to individuals who can solve complex problems. This kind of thinking is best taught through rich, detailed, visual simulations which pack years of experience into hours and days. Compared to older, passive methods such as watching videos or reading text, experiential learning through simulation is more appealing to students, easier for teachers, and more effective in achieving useful skill development.

Our Mission

To allow people to demonstrate and develop the full breadth of their talents through rich, visual simulations. To find and create great leaders and thinkers from all walks of life, from all over the globe. To break down barriers to opportunity and achievement by letting people show what they can do.
