Discover the Virtual Business All-Access Scholarship Challenge with more than $5,000 in scholarship awards up for grabs!
Knowledge Matters’ Virtual Business All-Access Scholarship Challenge has proven so popular with students and teachers across the country, we’re expanding the Scholarship Challenge to twice a year! Now there are even more opportunities for students to win scholarship cash by competing with the most-popular high school business curriculum tool – Virtual Business simulations.
If you’re teaching at a school or in a district with an expiring Virtual Business All-Access license, renew today! Or, if you’re teaching at a school with a single Virtual Business product license, contact us today and upgrade to Virtual Business All-Access!
The benefits of Virtual Business All-Access for students and teachers are numerous: now two opportunities for students to win scholarship cash each year, access to the brand-new Collaboration Simulations, unlimited access to all nine Virtual Business simulations (Accounting, Management, Personal Finance, Entrepreneurship, Fashion, Hotel, Restaurant, Retailing, and Sports & Entertainment), and much more.
The Spring 2025 Virtual Business All-Access Scholarship Challenge will launch on March 31, 2025 and end April 11th, 2025. Any student at a school with an active Virtual Business All-Access License on the competition start date can compete in the Virtual Business All-Access Scholarship Challenge for FREE.
Only one participant per school is eligible to receive scholarship award money. If multiple participants from the same school place within the top three of the competition rankings, the participant who places the highest will receive the scholarship award. First Place winners in previous Virtual Business All-Access Scholarship Challenges can participate in future challenges, but they will not be eligible for winning.

The Spring 2025 Virtual Business All-Access Scholarship Challenge simulation will be Virtual Business Fashion.
Students can run the simulation multiple times during the two-week competition. We only count each student’s top score submitted from multiple sim submissions. Log-in instructions for the competition will be emailed to teachers prior to the start of the competition. The competition will begin at 10 AM Eastern Time on the day the competition starts, and it will end at 5 PM Eastern Time on the last day of the competition.
HONOR CODE: All participants agree to be bound by the following honor code: I pledge that all work submitted is solely my work. I have received no outside help with the challenge, and I have not shared information about the competition simulation with others. I pledge not to hack or cheat in any way and agree to report others that I am aware of who hack or cheat.
The use of external applications, browser extensions or built-in browser tools within our competition simulations is strictly forbidden. If we detect this has occurred, there will be immediate disqualification.
Printable classroom posters:
Thank you to all the students who participated in the Fall 2024 Virtual Business All-Access Scholarship Challenge!
The winners are:
1st place – Ben K., Carlmont High School, CA
2nd place – Jayden L., Carlmont High School, CA
3rd place – George P., Mound Westonka High School, MN