Instructor Resources

Curriculum Map
Virtual Business can help you teach across all your curriculum.

Accountability and Assessment
All Virtual Business sims include full online automatic grading. A class grade matrix let’s you visually track student progress through all assignments. Optionally, you can set minimum grade requirements for any lesson. Students meeting minimum requirements receive a Certificate of Completion documenting their achievement.
Reading and Math
All Virtual Business sims include over 50 pages of written content as well as reading and math quizzes.Math concepts include numbers and quantity, algebra, geometry, functions, probability and statistics, and modeling.
Lesson Plans
Each Virtual Business simulation lesson includes a lesson plan. Each lesson plan offers a description of the actions that students will be doing in the simulation, student Learning Objectives, and Essential Questions that teachers can to discuss with students.
Standards Correlations
Virtual Business supports Common Core and state standards.
Virtual Business and Common Core for Mathematics
Virtual Business and Common Core for English
Customization and Flexibility
Feedback from thousands of instructors per year has ensured that Virtual Business gives you the features you need to teach the way you want to teach! Add/drop assignments, reorder them, assign group projects, run competitions, it’s all there in Virtual Business.