Simulation-Based Experiential Learning Increased Educational Outcomes for College Students

Simulation-Based Experiential Learning Increased Educational Outcomes for College Students

The digitally native higher education students of today are drawn to instructional delivery modalities that align with their interests and preferences. Experiential learning simulations are conducive to fostering engagement and motivation due to their interactivity which enables students to apply the skills and concepts learned in lectures. When students “learn by doing” as they navigate the important business decisions from real-world scenarios, they gain confidence in their abilities and learn from their mistakes. Cloud-based simulations, like Case Simulations from Knowledge Matters, provide a low-risk game-like environment for students to experiment and analyze their proficiency within a specific industry, as well as form connections between course content and future careers.
The following report delves deeply into how experiential learning through simulations can benefit students’ overall learning outcomes, as well as give them a competitive edge when seeking future employment. By examining surveys from students at University of Hawai’i Maui College and Kapi’olani Community College that used Case Simulations by Knowledge Matters, we gain the benefit of learning from the direct feedback about their simulation experiences. Also demonstrated in the report is how simulation-based learning resources provide professors with valuable insights into how their students are processing information, and how the efficiency features in Case Simulations, like guided discussion question prompts and automatic grading, allow increased time to connect with students.
In-use at colleges and universities across the U.S., and internationally, Case Simulations engage learners with visually immersive simulations for experiential learning opportunities. Case Simulation topics include:
- Marketing
- Hospitality
- Sports Management
- Restaurant Management
- Entrepreneurship
- Management
Click here for more information on Case Simulations by Knowledge Matters