Virtual Business Simulations – Summer 2020 updates

Every summer at Knowledge Matters, our engineering team works on a variety of updates and changes across all of our Virtual Business simulations and our teacher LMS.
Here are the latest changes/updates:
Virtual Business – Entrepreneurship
We’ve added nine new businesses in Virtual Business – Entrepreneurship for a total of 20 businesses that students can launch and grow in the simulation.
New business types available:
Fitness Center
Coffee Shop
Ice Cream Shop
T-Shirt Printing
Burrito Restaurant
Lawn Care Services
DJ Services
Batting Cage
Go Kart Track

Randomization for Projects
For Virtual Business – Management’s Management Mogul project and both Virtual Business – Restaurant’s projects (Turnaround and Mogul), we’ve introduced new randomization options for teachers that can reduce student copying or searching YouTube or Google for answers.
For these projects, teachers can choose: Unique City Per Student – every student has unique parameters for the project. Unique City Per Class – the entire class has the same parameters for a project, but those city parameters are completely different from any other classroom or school. Standard City – students work on a project with the same city parameters as every other student or school using the standard city option.
Virtual Business – Personal Finance
Tax forms – Updated income tax and W-4 forms to 2019 version.
Auto insurance – Updated pricing for auto insurance to consider resale value of car.
Teacher LMS
We simplified the layout of the teacher home page. Scrolling and viewing the list of courses is much more simplified.
Social Media Advertising Enhancements
In Virtual Business – Restaurant and Virtual Business – Entrepreneurship, we’ve upgraded the social media advertising features. Students can now review the details of existing ads as well as edit existing ads and modify the text, image, targeting, and budget.
Virtual Business – Management
Finally, in Virtual Business – Management, students can see the whole factory in one unified view rather than four separate views.
We hope that you find these simulation upgrades and enhancements useful for your students and for your teaching.